
Friday, January 14, 2011

Child-like Faith

This morning I was greeted by my daughter (who will be 6 years old in five days) with this question:

"Daddy, how was God born and if He is our ultimate Father, who is our mother?"

We spent the next 45 minutes reading and discussing the creation story in Genesis 1-3. It was a holy moment. One I won't soon forget. She asked some really tough questions and some of the answers led to more questions. I praised her for asking and told her to never stop asking. God can take it.

I don't know if I can, but God can.

He called a little child to him, and placed the child among them. And he said: “Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, whoever takes the lowly position of this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven."
Matthew 18:2-4

I used to read that verse and think that my faith was something that I should just accept. Without question. I always thought that little children listen and obey their parents. They do what they're told. They don't question authority. They submit.

They certainly don't ask "Why?"

Then I became a parent and now I realize that little children constantly test their boundaries. They ask questions...A LOT! And start almost every sentence with "Why?" And it's okay. If she wasn't constantly asking me questions...I would worry.

Another question my daughter asked was "Why did Eve listen to the snake?"

I thought about it awhile and then said, "I guess she didn't trust God enough to go back and ask Him if the snake was telling the truth."

And suddenly, I realized that God expects us to ask questions, too. Tough questions. A LOT of questions. If we didn't...I think He's concerned. Like a Father would be.

What do you do when you have questions about God? When you have questions for God? Do you seek the answers? Do you dig deep? Do you trust that you can ask? Or do you just accept what you been told or taught?

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