
Tuesday, August 03, 2010

Too Many Thoughts...Not Enough Words

My brain is on over-drive.

My last blog post was back in April. In it I committed to blogging at least once a week. It hasn't happened.

I just haven't been able to formulate my thoughts into words on a page. I actually have four (make that five...I just had another idea) separate posts in progress, but I just can't seem to get any of them finished. It's like the wires in my brain are crossed or something. I've suddenly become unable to think in complete sentences. Or I've developed A.D.D.

Oh, lookie...a squirrel.

I have so many thoughts rolling around in my head and each one of them seems like a good blog post, but then I can't seem to put any substance around them. Maybe I should just post random streams of consciousness (oh, wait...I already do that on Twitter).

For those of you that blog regularly, what tips can you pass on for consistently completing posts?