Our Programming Director at The Crossing asked each member of her team to come up with 4 goals that were measurable and that could be accomplished by June 1st. Here are mine.
While all four of these goals are very personal in nature, I believe they will have significant impact on the way I function in my role at The Crossing. I think that improving my “health” level in each of these areas will be reflected in my personal and professional conduct and have a direct influence on my team.
1. Physical Health – I’ve really neglected my physical health over the last two years. I’ve not been going to the gym regularly and not regulating my nutrition effectively. This has led to me carrying around about 30 extra pounds.
I will resume regular workouts and meal planning following the Bill Phillips “Body for Life” plan. This is the program I followed more than 5 years ago when I was in the best physical (and emotional) shape of my life. I hope to lose 15 pounds by June 1st, but the bigger impact will be in the way I feel physically, which will enable me to be more effective in all aspects of my life.
2. Spiritual Health – My approach to my spiritual health has been haphazard at best. I’ve not been intentional with my prayer time or my study of the bible. I’m always envious of other people who know their bible so well, but haven’t dedicated myself to achieving that level of knowledge myself.
I will plan and schedule a minimum of 3 hours a week to pray and spend time in the Word. I will read the letters of Paul by June 1st.
3. Emotional Health – I’ve always needed some sort of emotional outlet whether that is deep discussions with a trusted person in my life or simply journaling. I’ve really neglected this part of my life over the last couple of years. I’ve been through some major life changes in that time, but for the most part have kept a lot of my feelings about those changes to myself.
I will resume blogging on a weekly basis, beginning with posting these goals. I will ask to be held accountable for a weekly entry on my blog and will use my postings to enter into deeper conversations.
4. Relational Health – Relationships have always been one of the most important things in my life and still are. I’ve always made friends easily and surround myself with people that I trust and value.
I’ve not protected the relationships that are most important in my life. Those with my wife and daughter especially have not been given the quality of attention that I think are necessary. I’ve also not developed my relationships with staff and volunteers to the depth that they deserve.
I will dedicate myself to quality time with my wife and daughter incorporating a weekly “date night” with my wife and spending the better part of my day off on Tuesdays with my daughter. I will be interruptible at home and make the relationships with my family my priority.
I will develop deeper relationships with staff and volunteers that go beyond the time spent together on the weekends. I would like to have monthly get-togethers with my teammates and their families that will enable us to build stronger community. I will take the time to learn the stories of the tech team volunteers so that I may know more about them than just their names and what capacity they serve in.
That's it. I've made them public now. I must now dedicate myself to making these goals happen and to being accountable to them. If you're reading this, I ask that you hold me accountable too.
Imagine my surprise when there was a feed email from L4H. Yay! A post on your blog!