2 Timothy 2:10
Have you ever said something with such conviction that taking it back felt impossible? Have you ever committed to something based solely on your emotions and then had to reconsider once you really calmed down and thought it through? Have you made a decision and then stuck by it out of sheer stubbornness or an unwillingness to "give in?"
I've talked previously about the struggles that the worship team I'm on have had with the "interim" pastor at our church. He really is IMPOSSIBLE to work with. I say that and I'm not even on staff at the church. I'm just a volunteer. I can't imagine having to deal with the man on a day-to-day basis as a staff member. Three of my very good friends are in that situation. They are on staff and have to work with this pastor every day.
A couple of weeks ago, one of them asked for and was granted a leave of absence from her duties as the leader of our praise band, Exaltation. Dealing with the "interim" pastor had taken its toll on her and was affecting her family. It was the right decision for her.
But I was VERY ANGRY that she was forced to make that decision! I said "That's it! I'm done! As long as this pastor is here, I won't be!"
That next weekend, I went and worshipped at another church on Saturday night. It was a wonderful, contemporary service with a relevant message. Exactly the kind of service that we've been striving for at my church. "Maybe I've found a new home." I thought.
The next morning I went to service at my church...just to see. I went with hopes of seeing the "interim" pastor floundering around with no worship team to support him. I had visions of the regular worshippers getting angry about what was happening and letting the pastor have it with both barrels. But that didn't happen...
It was "Christ the King" Sunday and the service was fairly traditional. I sat in the back and watched. There were only about 40 or 50 people there. I saw some of them walk out when they saw that printed bulletins would be used and that there would be no visual media. Some folks asked me why I wasn't in my familiar position behind the media center and sound board. "We're done!" I said. "We're not going to fight this fight anymore."
One of my other friends on the worship team who sings in the band came up to me and asked me if I would be willing to continue to do media starting the next week...if there was going to be media. At first I said "No!" I needed to stand firm with my sister in Christ who was forced to give up something she loves very much. Then I said that I needed to think about it and pray about it.
And so I did.
I came to realize that my anger and my hopes of the "interim" pastor falling on his face was doing NOTHING to further the kingdom of God. I also realized that by letting the contemporary worship fail all that would happen is the people who worship there would leave to go and be fed somewhere else. The "interim" pastor is leaving at the end of the month and even if he were to go out with "egg" on his face, the hurt would be left at my church. I thought about my friend on leave and my hopes and prayers are that she will eventually come back. But what would she have to come back to if this service failed?
I decided to go back the next week and run the media. I felt the Holy Spirit calling me to continue working on this service. I can't tell you how many people came to me and said "Thank you for being here! It's so comforting to see you back there." That made me feel good, but that's NOT what this is about. It about spreading the Good News! It's about offering people a style of worship that they can relate to and feel comfortable in. It's about doing what I'm called to do and I really feel His calling.
But to some, it looks as if I wasn't willing to TAKE A STAND. Some may think that I went back on a commitment. And maybe I did. But I made a commitment to Jesus first and that commitment was to follow Him wherever He leads me and right now this is where He's leading. I'm convinced of that.
We met our potential new pastor this past Sunday. He seems to me like he'll be a really good fit at this church. He preached more to us about Jesus Christ, salvation, redemption and transformation in 10 minutes than I think we've heard at this church in 2 years!
I'm going to ride this out until this new pastor is in place. If it works out, then hopefully my friend will come back and we'll put our worship team back together and get on with the business of spreading the News! If not...I will follow Jesus...and I will do His will.
God is LEADING us...